You ready for it to actually feel good?

You’ve got the chops to run your business. That’s not why you’re here. 

You’re here because some other part of you is screaming for more. 

Some other part of you knows it’s no longer just about business as normal. You want more…More








Some other part of you wants to break free, get real, make a mess, and take it to the next level. Great. Let’s listen to that part.

Little secret: Some other part of you = where your genius truly lives. It’s brimming under all the tidy boxes you’ve ticked … And, it needs OUT. Stat.

I want you to stop pretending that you’re not Radically Fabulous

Cos, you are. And it’s time to let that side of you come play.


Hiya! I’m Ellie.

I help radically fabulous entrepreneurs and founders like you harness their magnetism and genius and go all in on their *whole* radically fabulous life and business.


I’ve been there…

I’ve been there. I’ve scaled seven-figure start-ups in competitive international markets. I’ve ticked those boxes. I’ve hustled that grind. Made the big bucks. I’ve lived the life of hyper-success, and lemme tell you what I learned: none of it means shit if you can’t feel good doing it.

I remember when everything began to shift for me. I was moving from Kenya to the States and my nervous system was a hot mess. I’d been managing tf out of everything: big time international startups, a budding long-distance relationship, the grief of losing my mum. I had it un.der. con.trol. 

I was going through so many motions, and feeling so ... empty. I knew something needed to shift. I told myself I needed a “reset.” But I didn’t understand wtf that even meant. Because I was still caught. Still committed to trudging forward, forcing it: managing. I was desperately trying to keep everything in those neat little boxes that had gotten me this far… all the while some other part of me was screaming, “No, this can’t be it!!!”

I finally started to get curious about that voice (she was getting loud).

Who was she? Wtf is she going on about? I had to slow down. I had to tune in. I had to reconnect with who I was, on my own terms. Without all the noise. 

I absolutely had to tend to my inner world and get clear on what I *actually* wanted my life to look and feel like.

When I showed up for myself with curiosity instead of shame, I felt better. When I found teachers and studied and listened and learned, I felt better—little more alive and a lot more myself. I kept going. I didn’t stop. 

Freeing myself from what I should do/be/have/want, I finally gave myself permission to consider what I actually wanted to do/be/have/want. Spoiler alert: they were NOT the same things.

This was a wildly profound revelation. It only got better from there. Ease, enjoyment, freedom, FUN. I could finally recognize myself again—maybe for the first time ever. 

These were the first seeds of the work that’s served 100+ clients.

I live this work. This work is my life—but not in that old codependent, enmeshed, workaholic kinda way. That took me a long time to learn and now I’m crazy passionate about helping others find their own. And I’m so good at it because I know exactly what it feels like to have it all, do it all, and be it all … and still feel that vaguely persistent yearning for more. 

When you do this work you get MORE of what you actually need: yourself. And from there, everything you touch flourishes. 

That means yeah, your business is going to uplevel and flourish too. But in order for that to happen, we gotta get YOU in charge.


So, here’s the tea:

I combined my experience as a CEO

With alllllll the modalities I’m certified in

With my wildly fun-loving extra, extra personality

With my commitment to helping others find their own flavor of “extra”

With my natural talent for helping people be the best version of themselves

With my inclusive, anti-racist, intersectional feminist lens

With my desire to build a world of practical beauty

With my passion for simplicity

With my own lived experience moving from burnt out to wildly present, everyday.

...viola! ME.

 My truly one-of-a-kind life experience means I’m uniquely qualified to help you break free and share your genius (on your terms).

You know what else I’m really great at? Chatting! Seriously, my connection calls are so much fun—and they’re seriously low stakes. You have nothing to lose! If you’re still reading this, face it: you’re curious!

Stepping into curiosity is a serious power move. Try it! You’ll feel great, I promise. Did I mention, they’re 45-minutes!? Told ya, I’m extra af. It’s basically free coaching, plus we can see if we vibe and want more of each other. This is an important decision, let me support you through it.

The Busy Entrepreneur’s Guide to Your One Next Step


Too busy to decide what to do next?

I’ve got you! What if I told you your next big step was just a download away?